The sound of silence

1. DmiHello darkness my old fCriend, I've come to talk with you agDmiain
BbbecaFuse a vision softly creeping Bbleft Fit seeds while I was sleeping
and the vision that was planteFd in my brain still reDmimains Fwithin the Csound of Dmisilence.
2. DmiIn restless dreams I walked aClone narrow streets of cobble-Dmistone
BbBeneath Fthe halo of a street lamp
BbI turned Fmy collar to the cold and damp
Bbwhen my eyes were stabbed by the flash of Fa neon light
that spilt the Dminight and Ftouched the Csound of Dmisilence.
3. DmiAnd in the naked light I Csaw ten thousand people maybe Dmimore,
BbpeopFle talking without speaking BbpeoplFe hearing without listening
Bbpeople writing songs that voices Fnever share and no one Dmidare dFisturb the Csound of Dmisilence.
4. "DmiFools!" said I "you do not Cknow silence like a cancer Dmigrows,
Bbhear mFy words that I might teach you Bbtake mFy arms that I might reach you."
BbBut my words like silent raiFndrops fell and Dmiechoed in the Cwells of Dmisilence.
5. DmiAnd the people bowed and Cprayed to the neon god they Dmimade
Bband Fthe sign flashed out its warning Bbin Fthe words that it was forming
Bband the sign said: "The words of the prophets are written on the subway Fwalls
and tenament Dmihalls" and Fwhisper'd in the Csounds of Dmisilence.